Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 22-26

Field Day Fun

Mon -
Tues -
Wed - EOG dance during Enhancements; Be sure your child gets a good night's rest and eats breakfast in the morning.
Thurs - Reading EOG
Fri - Math EOG

With the EOGs on Thursday and Friday this week and Thursday of next week, I have a few simple requests.

  • Please, if at all possible, do not send your child with their cell phone or any electronic device (no fitbits that might buzz, watches that beep, or cell phones that buzz or ring). If they do bring something, I will ask them to show me that it is off and have them leave it in their cubby, but I would much prefer for it to NOT be in the classroom at all.
  • PLEASE keep all of the fidgit spinners at home on these days!  The students have not figured out how to use them appropriately yet and they are more of a hinderance to them staying focused than a help.  For most students, they are simply a cool toy and the kids will even admit to that.
  • Getting a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast in the morning is important.  That doesn't mean send them to bed at 5:00 but making sure they get a solid night's sleep would be helpful to them being able to focus for long periods of time.
  • Avoiding sunburns and poison ivy (and other allergy issues) is helpful too.  No one likes to sit for 3 hours with a constant need to scratch an itch.
  • Give your child a big hug and tell them how much you love them and that you're proud of them each morning before the test.  This is great to do EVERY morning but hearing these words on a stressful day can really make a difference in how they head into the test.

End of year Treats Sign Up:
If you haven't already, please check out the Sign Up Genius link to get supplies to provide treats to our students after they complete their EOGs.  These are stressful times and they deserve a small treat after testing all morning.  Thanks for your support with getting these supplies.  Let me know if you need to send in items ahead of time.  We can store items in the cafeteria's freezer but I need to know what's there for my class and it needs to be clearly labeled.

Notes to my students:
I've told my students this in various ways but this letter (below) says how I feel about the EOGs and my students.  It is just one piece to the puzzle of who they are and doesn't define who they are as an individual or as a student.  Each of my students will also be getting a personalized note from me the morning of the Reading EOG telling them how special they are and to just do their best.

Dearest Students,

Next week you will take your EOG test for math and reading. I know how hard you have
worked, but there is something very important you must know.

The EOG tests do not assess all of what makes you special and unique. The people
who create these tests and score them do not know each of you like I do, and certainly
not the way your families do.

They do not know that some of you speak two languages, or that you love to sing or
draw. They have not seen your natural talent for dancing. They do not know that your
friends count on you to be there for them, that you laughter can brighten the darkest
day, or that your face turns red when you feel shy. They do not know that you
participate in sports, wonder about the future, or sometimes you help with your little
brother or little sister after school. They do not know that you are kind, trustworthy, and
thoughtful… and every day you try your very best.

The scores you will get from these tests will tell you something, but they will not tell you
everything. These tests do not define you. There are many ways of being smart. YOU
are smart! You are enough! You are the light that brightens my day and the reason I am
happy to come to work each day. So, in the midst of all of these tests, remember that
there is no way to “test” all of the amazing and awesome things that make you, YOU.
All I ask is that you do your personal best and do not give up. You have been working

for this since Kindergarten and are ready! I believe in you!

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 15-19

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Logs; Mr. Lincoln's Drummer project due!; Mr. Lincoln's Drummer test (study guide)
Wednesday -
Thursday - Spelling Sort Quiz
Friday - Field Day; all students' library books must be returned by today

We have been having some issues with a lack of respect towards staff and fellow students again.  This has been addressed with students but your support at home is always appreciated.  It ranges from silly play in the bathroom, to talking in the halls, to blurting out answers over other students and the teacher, to mocking students and teachers, to blatantly ingnoring what they are asked/told to do.  We realize they are ready for Middle School but we still need them focused and respectful as we finish Elementary School.

We will be doing EOG review/practice in all classes.  We will be making it as fun as possible but it is still important that students take their time and really think through these problems.  Now is their chance to get any concepts or skills clarified or retaught.  Please continue to reinforce these skills at home.

In Mrs Ellison's Reading class, we will be reading a fun, short book about Economics called Lawn Boy.  They will have some tasks to complete about the book as we work through it.  This will be one of their last Reading assignment grades.

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 8-12

Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts you sent in for Teacher Appreciation Week.  It really made me feel SPEACIAL and APPRECIATED!

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log, Progress Reports
Wednesday - SS Civil War test (open notes so be sure the journal is up to date - study guide, ch 20 notes, ch 21 notes)
Thursday - Spelling: Geek and Latin Sort #2 def Quiz
Friday - Mr. Lincoln's Drummer project due (if they are not ready to turn it in on Friday, they may have until Tuesday but there is be no more classtime to work on it); Latin Word Parts choicboard due (given out on Friday but will have time in class all week to work on it - several students asked to have it ahead of time over the weekend); Force and Motion Unit Test (study guide , vocabulary cards , and graphing data explainations and practice)

*Free Enterprise - Students are working in homeroom small groups to come up with a product to make that they can sell to classmates and other fifth graders for coupons.  They should be discussing their ideas with their parents.  The group ideas should be decided and signed off by all group members' parents by MAY 12.  They may NOT begin production of the products until all parents have signed off AND I have signed off on it.

Dates to Remember to Mark on your Caledars:
May 19 - Field Day (new date)
May 25 - Reading EOG
May 26 - Math EOG
May 29 - No School - Memorial Day
June 1 - Science EOG
June 5 - Free Enterprise at 2:30 - parents may come shop too (we'll provide you with coupons)
June 6 - Auction 10-12 noon
June 7 - 5th Grade Awards/Promotion Ceremony 1:00 pm
June 8 - Last Day of School - Early Dismissal at 1:30 pm (report cards can be picked up at 12 noon)

Friday, April 28, 2017

May 1-5

Image result for teacher appreciation week

Monday - Math Enrichment Project due
Tuesday - Reading Log
Wednesday -
Thursday - Spelling Def. Quiz; Science Quiz (know the vocabulary and key ideas from in class experiements with our cars); Mrs. Ellison's Homeroom goes to the Book Fair (3:15-3:30); Book Fair is also open for Family Night 4:00-6:00 pm
Friday - Greek Words Choiceboard due; Mr Lincoln's Drummer (journal entries done through ch. 10); Field Day 12:45-3:00 (information)
*Target Due Date for the Mr. Lincoln's Drummer Novel Project is Friday, May 12.

*We will be discussing our End of Year Free Enterprise activities with the students this week.  They will get into small groups to create businesses.  They will need to come up with a "product" to "sell" (must have a recycled component to it).  The manufacturing of the product will be done outside of school.  We will be discussing Economics Concepts and then creating advertising for their products in class closer to the end of May.  We are introducing it now so that they have plenty of time to discuss, get approval, collect materials, and make their products.  They should not begin making anything until ALL group members have their product idea approved by their parents AND teacher! Concept ideas are due for approval by May 12 and actual products are due June 5 (Free Enterprise is June 5 at 2:30 - parents are welcome to come shop, we'll provide you with the coupons to shop with - NO REAL MONEY).

Important Links Below:
Volunteer Opportunities:
   Book Fair
   Field Day Volunteers
   Field Day Supplies
   Teacher Lunch Duty coverage - May 3
Teacher Appreciation list of all teachers' likes
End of Year Activities Calendar (a copy of this will be in the Tuesday folder for you to keep)
Auction Supply Needs/Wants (a copy of this will be in the Tuesday folder for you to keep)

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 24-28

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Logs; Buzzwords Quiz - Verbs #2 (carried over from last week)
Wednesday - Antonyms & Synonyms Choiceboard due
Thursday - Spelling Sort and Definition Quiz; Precept Paragraph
Friday - Buzzwords Quiz - ALL Verbs

*Students should have read chapters 1-3 in Mr. Lincoln's Drummer this past week and be reading chapters 4-9 this week.  (I only have one class set but they can listen to the chapters in Google Classroom if they fall behind or have been absent and need to catch up.) They must write a journal entry (from the main character's point of view) for each chapter as they read it.  There are other task they need to work on but most of these can't be done until we finish the book.  They will have time in class to work on the assignments but may choose to do some work outside of class.  A due date is not set yet, since I need to see how long it will actually take us to read the book.

**We are still in need of glue sticks for the classroom.  We also could use some bags of Skittles for EOG review games that I have planned.

Monday May 1-Friday May 5 - Teacher Appreciation Week
Thursday - May 5 - Science Vocabulary Quiz
Wednesday - May 10 - SS ch 20 & 21 Civil War Test
Friday - May 12 (target date) - Force and Motion Unit Test

Other Dates to make note of:
Friday - April 28 - Walk2School Day
Friday - April 28 - 4:30-7:30 pm Powhatan Palooza! (Book Fair will be open)
        Use this LINK to sign up to help at the Palooza!
Monday May 1 - Friday May 5 - Book Fair is open 
Thursday May 4 - Powhatan PTA mtg and Strings Concert (Book Fair is open 4-6 pm)
Friday May 5 - Field Day (K-2 is 9-11:30 and 3-5 is 12:30-3:00)
Tuesday May 9 - Progress Reports go home (not many grades after this!)

Thursday May 25 - Reading EOG
Friday May 26 - Math EOG
Monday May 29 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
Thursday June 1 - Science EOG

?? Monday June 5 - Free Enterprise @ 2:30 pm (watch for more information about this)
?? Tuesday June 6 - Auction 10-12:00 (we need parents to donate items if possible)
Wednesday June 7 - 5th grade Awards 1:00 (please do not check out elementary school age siblings to bring to the ceremony - space is limited and this is a special time for your 5th grader!)
Thursday June 8 - Last Day of School - early dismissal and report cards go home (report cards can not be given out to students until after 12:00 noon - if you check your child out early, you will need to stop by the school over the summer to pick up the report card in the office)

Friday, April 7, 2017

April 17 - 21

*Remember to sign your child's agenda.  Behavior stickers were placed in there this morning.
Monday (April 17) - Report Cards go home
Tuesday (April 18) - Reading Logs
Wednesday (April 19) - Reading iReady Spring Diagnostic Test; SS ch 18 Test (study guide & notes)
Thursday (April 20) - Math iReady Spring Diagnostic Test
Friday (April 21) - Buzzwords Verb #2 Quiz

**Please make sure that pictures and/or picture money is turned in as soon as possible.  The packet of pictures sent home is NOT free.  If you are not purchasing them, you do need to return them to the school.

**Square1Art orders are due Monday April 24.

**Make sure you've marked you calendars to come out and enjoy the Powhatan Palooza on Friday April 28.

If you are able to send in some glue sticks, the students would greatly appreciate it.  They're having to do a lot of sharing with the last few glue sticks in our bucket.

I hope everyone has a restful and relaxing Spring Break.  Enjoy time with your family.  Please make sure your children come back to school focused and ready to finish their elementary school career strong!

Friday, March 31, 2017

April 3-7

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log
Wednesday -
Thursday - precept paragraph; Spelling Definition Quiz
Friday - Buzzwords Quiz #3 (verbs)

Spring Break is from April 8-16.  Relax and enjoy the time with your family.  Make sure your child is ready to come back focused and ready to work hard for this last grading period.

Report Cards go home Monday April 17.

Friday, March 24, 2017

March 27 -31

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log
Wednesday -Buzzwords Quiz - all nounsWeather Unit Test (be sure to study for the WHOLE UNIT - study guide and notes in journal) - try this Quizlet to help study and also see if students can answer the Essential Questions on the study guide
Thursday - Riverwood Middle School field trip,  SS ch 15 test (study guide and notes)
Friday - Teacher Workday - No School - end of the 3rd Quarter

Please remember to sign your child's agenda.  I had very few students bring me a signed agenda last week.  If they don't get it signed, they don't get paid their coupons and they will want these when we do our special end of the year activities! This is my primary method of communication with you about your child's behavior and what they are doing at school so I really need parents to see this each week.  Thanks!

Thank you to the parents who have spoken to your child about their school behavior.  I have seen some improvement with some students.  Others still need to work on getting the talking under control.  The disrespect has been under control a little more this week.  Hopefully the long weekend next week and then Spring Break will help us all.  We need to make sure students come back from Spring Break focused and ready to make the most of this last 9 weeks.  It will fly by and be EOG and summer time before we know it!

If you would like to order a yearbook for your child, go to to order online - Yearbook ID Code is: 12958417 There are several different packages available.  The cost starts at only $25

Fifth grade t-shirt order forms are due on Thursday, March 30.  Be sure to order one now if your child wants one. The cost is $10.

Mrs. Ellison is in desperate need of glue sticks for the classroom!  If you could send some in, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks!!!!!Image result for we need your helpImage result for glue sticksImage result for we need your help

Friday, March 17, 2017

March 20-24

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log, SS ch 14 Test (study guide & notes)
Wednesday -
Thursday - precept paragraph, Spelling Sort & Definition Quiz, Forecasts Weather Quiz
Friday - Buzzword Quiz - Nouns #2

Several students did not do well on one part of their Science Quiz.  Students who messed up on labeling the seasons diagram were given a copy of their quiz.  They need to redraw the diagram on the back of the paper, label it correctly, AND explain in sentence form why each season occurs when it does (ex. When the Northern Hemisphere is titled towards the sun it experiences summer since it gets more direct light from the sun.)  Students will receive partial credit for correcting those 4 items only.

Friday, March 10, 2017

March 13-17

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday!
Image result for daylight savings 2017

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log
Wednesday -
Thursday -Spelling Sort and Definition Quiz; Precept Paragraph; Climate and Seasons Quiz (study guide will be given to all students on Monday)
Friday - Buzzwords Quiz #1 - Nouns (study cards); Happy St. Patrick's Day wear something green

SS ch 14 - The Constitution (target test date is March 21 - study guide & notes)

Buzzwords are words that are critical for students to understand in order to be successful on EOGs.  These are words that they have learned over the years but sometimes "forget" when they are actually faced with a question using these terms.  I recently had a lot of students asking me what they were suppose to draw when the question asked for them to "draw conclusions" about the text. The quizzes for these will consist of matching definitions with the correct terms.

Science Weather Unit - the target test date for this Unit is Wednesday March 29.  This is a big unit and I strongly recommend that students be studying the notes on their study guides a little each night rather than waiting until right before the test.  We have covered most of the key concepts but still have more to learn before the unit test.  Students have put lots of notes/reflections in their Science journals.  This should be used to study too! We have been reviewing concepts covered on multiple days so if they missed one day that shouldn't be too big of a problem.  If they have missed multiple days then they may need to touch base with me to make sure they understand the concepts.

Image result for st. patrick's day

Friday, March 3, 2017

March 6-10

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log
Wednesday - SS ch 13/American Revolution Test - study guide and notes - students should know at least 5 battles from their study guide and the month/year that they battle occurred - they will have to make a timeline for 5 battles - extra battles with correct dates will get bonus points
Thursday - Spelling Sort and Definition Quiz
Friday - Precept Paragraph, Woods Runner Test (study guides will be given out on Monday), Math Order of Operations Quiz

A few dates to be aware of:

  • Tuesday, March 7: Chorus students will be off campus for most of the day for Showcase rehearsal - Sing beautifully!
  • Tuesday, March 7: permission forms for a field trip to Riverwood Middle School will be going home in the Tuesday folders - please sign and return as soon as possible (no cost - your child may attend even if they will  not be going to Riverwood next year)
  • Friday, March 10: a few students will be out for Battle of the Books competition! You got this!
  • Friday, March 10: the Growing Up class will be from 2:30-3:30 (if you signed your child's permission form)
I believe we have a Spirit Night and Picture day coming up soon.  I will verify these dates once I have confirmation about the date and times.  Be on the lookout for this information.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Feb. 27 - March 3

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Logs, Progress Reports go home
Wednesday -
Thursday - Spelling Definition Quiz, Woods Runner ch 13-17 (target due date)
Friday - Precept Paragraph, Math Test on multiplication and division

A friendly reminder to monitor your child's clothes as the weather begins to warm up.  Shorts should be past finger tips, shirts should be at least 3 fingers wide (about 2 inches) at the shoulder (no tank tops or spaghetti straps), and we shouldn't be able to see undergarments or bellies.  Many students have had growth spurts since the beginning of the school year and what fit them in Sept. may not fit them correctly now.  Thanks for your support.

We are beginning our simulation of the American Revolution next week.  Please ask your child about these events each day.  Hopefully they'll have lots of fun doing it but it does require them to be a good listener to follow everything going on throughout the simulation.

I finished reading the book Wonder to my ELA classes.  We've talked a lot about being kind about doing the right thing, even if it's not the popular thing.  I have had a few instances lately where some teasing has been occurring and I've spoken to the students who were doing it and used the characters in the book to help make connections to how little comments or jokes can hurt other people.  If you see that your child lost coupons for teasing you may want to talk to them and remind them of the importance of being kind and doing what is right by not giving in to peer pressure.  This is an important skill they need to learn before they get to Middle School.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Feb. 20-24

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log, Science Weather Instruments Quiz (Mrs. Askew's HR)
Wednesday - Science Weather Instruments Quiz (Mrs. Ellison's HR)
Thursday - Spelling Definition Quiz, Early Release at 1:30 pm
Friday - Precept Paragraph, Adjective Quiz, Woods Runner ch 7-12 due, Math Test
     I'm attaching the Woods Runner questions for ch. 7-9 and ch 9-12 in case your child is absent.  If they do not have a copy of the book, they can listen to me reading the chapters in their Google Classroom accounts.  Students seem to really be enjoying this book and making lots of connections to what we are learning about in Social Studies.

We have had LOTS of students out sick this week.  As much as we want your child here at school, if they are not feeling well and/or running a fever then please keep them home.  Hopefully we will all be feeling better and be back to school next week!

Image result for sick child images

I'm linking the SS ch 13 - American Revolution study guide.  I will be providing all of my students with a copy of this on Monday so that they have the battles and dates that they need to know.  We will be going through the TCI ch 13 (notes) and then doing a fun simulation activity where they "become" participants in the American Revolution.  Once we complete both of these activities, we will have a test (sometime around March 8). Additional Study/Resource Materials
Image result for american revolution images

We have started the Weather Unit in Science.  This is a long unit so I have broken it into smaller sections to be quizzed on before the Unit Test at the end.  There are usually quite a few questions on the Science EOG about this unit so it is important that students really understand these concepts.  I'm linking the Weather Study Guide here but have also provided my homeroom with copies of this already.  The Study Guide is not complete yet (I'm still working on the last part of the unit) but the first 4 pages are done.  This part does include ALL of the vocabulary and big ideas & essential questions for the whole unit but not the little concepts I like to add to it.

Notes and How to Study - One of the things I've started doing with my students to help them focus on specific concepts (essential questions) is to fold a page in their journal (not quite in half).  On the small section showing they write their essential question.  Then they need to answer the question inside the folded area as we learn the material.  When they study, they should fold the page, ask themselves the question and try to answer it, and then open it up to check the answer to see if they are right or not.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Feb. 13-17

Monday - bring in your decorated Valentine's Can
Tuesday - Reading Log; bring in Valentines to exchange
Wednesday - Woods Runner ch 1-6 worksheet due (they will have some time in class to finish up the last couple of questions for this section)
Thursday - Spelling Sort and Definition Quiz
Friday - SS ch 11 & 12 Test - study guide - ch 11 notes - ch 12 notes

Image result for Valentine

Friday, February 3, 2017

February 6-10

Monday - report cards go home
Tuesday - reading logs
Wednesday - RCD unit 3 Reading assessment (Reading Literature) - nothing to study, it's more about applying the skills we've practiced in class to a reading passage
Thursday - Spelling Sort and Definition Quiz; McDonald's Spirit Night
Friday - Science Test on Genetics Unit (this is a short unit) - study guide and notes

Be sure to print the SS ch 11 & 12 study guide (required) and  ch 11 notes & ch 12 notes (optional) - this test is currently scheduled for Friday February 17.

Students may begin bringing in their Jump Rope for Heart money starting Monday, Feb. 6.  All money should be turned in by Friday, Feb. 24.

We will be having a small Valentine celebration.  I am sending home buckets with students for them to decorate at home.  These buckets need to be returned to school by Monday, Feb. 13.  They may bring them in earlier if they want.  We will exchange Valentines and have a small snack at the end of the day on Feb. 14 (3:15-3:40).  A list of names is going home with the students in their bucket/can. **Mrs. Ellison does not eat a lot of chocolate or drink coffee!  She does like Twizzlers & Reese's Pieces.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 23-25

Tuesday: Reading Logs
Wednesday: Math Quiz (adding and subtracting fractions)
Thursday: No School - Teacher Workday
Friday: No School - Teacher Workday

Be sure your child is studying for the SS ch. 9 & 10 test on January 31 and the Science Mid Year test on February 1.  The Science test will be a review of ALL material covered this year.  This will help them prepare and review for the EOG in Science that they'll take in June.  They have a Badgequest activity in Google Classroom with review activities and a quiz for each of the 4 Units we have covered.  We will be spending the next few days in Science working on these activities and going over the Quiz questions.  I STRONGLY recommend that they take these quizzes ahead of time so they know which questions they don't understand and can ask questions in class.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Jan. 16-20

Monday - No School for MLK Jr. Day
Tuesday - Reading Logs, Venero's Spirit Night (4-close)
Wednesday - Math Quiz
Thursday -
Friday - Precept Paragraph, Ecosystems Unit Test (study guide)

Jan 31 - SS ch 9 & 10 Test
Feb 1 - Science Midyear Test - work on Badgequest in Google Classroom to study - ask questions NOW instead of right before the test!

We are planning to have all of our 5th graders take the Mid Year iReady Diagnostic for Reading and Math the week of Jan 30-Feb 3.  We are allowing 2 days for Reading (Tuesday and Wednesday) and 2 days for Math (Thursday and Friday).  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS WORKING HEADPHONES.  I've had quite a few students without headphones lately and it's important that they can hear the information without disturbing others.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

update for Jan. 9-13

I hope everyone survived the snow and ice.  Obviously the upcoming assignments and test dates will need to be modified some.  As soon as we hear about school for the remainder of the week and how/when we will make up the missed days I'll revise the schedule.

A few things to make note of:
Students who have ELA with Mrs. Ellison: 
*Spelling for this week is posted (sort is in Google Classroom and Definition Quiz will be there Thursday morning.)  There will not be a sort for next week so students will actually have some time in school this week and next week to complete this.  They may complete it at home if they choose.

*Be sure to ask your students about the Precepts (posted in the classroom and in Google Classroom).  These tie in with the book, Wonder, that I am reading in my ELA classes.  Each week I'll post 3 precepts and we'll take about them in class.  Then on Friday, students will choose one of them and write a paragraph explaining it or telling why it's important or what it means to them. In their paragraph, I'm looking for some basic writing skills (capital letters, punctuation, most words spelled correctly) but also some thought and support for their ideas.  There's not a right or wrong answer for these but they do need to provide multiple sentences that clearly tell about the precept (not just restate it multiple times).

Homeroom Students: (Mrs. Ellison and Mrs. Askew are on the same schedule so this should apply to all of our students)
*Students will be given some time in class to complete their Science Biome stories that were originally due today.  If possible we will share a few of these on Friday and the rest of them on Monday.  Students should focus more on the story and facts than cute backgrounds.  Some pictures do need to be included though.

*Our Science Ecosystems Unit test will likely be pushed back to either next Thursday or Friday (Jan. 19 or 20).

*Our MidYear Science Test will also be pushed back a little (not sure exactly when yet but probably around Jan. 31).  Students should be working on the Badgequest activities in Google Classroom to help them review for this.  They may take the Quiz at the end of each section multiple times.  They shouldn't just memorize the questions but should make sure they understand why certain questions have the answer that they do.  If they don't understand a concept, they should ask NOW instead of waiting until they are taking the actual test.

*The SS test for chapters 9 & 10 will also be pushed back.  This will probably be around Jan. 31 or Feb. 1.

Study Guides for Science:

Study Guide and Notes for SS:

Friday, January 6, 2017

January 9 - 13

Happy New Year! *Watch the weather carefully this weekend and be on the look out for changes the school schedule for next week.  Hopefully we'll be able to continue as normal!

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log, Venero's Spirit Night
Wednesday - Science Story due (in Google Classroom) - these will be presented in class on Thursday and Friday
Thursday - Spelling Sort due and  Definition Quiz
Friday - Precept Paragraph
 *There may be a Math quiz at some point this week but we're not sure exactly when yet.

Upcoming Items to Make a Note of and be preparing for NOW:
Jan. 16 - No School - MLK Jr Day
Jan. 18 - Ecosystems Unit Test (see the link below for Ecosystems Study Guide)
Jan. 19 - AIG autobiography assignment due (only certain students)
Jan. 24 - SS ch 9 & 10 test (these chapters are combined for one test)
                     study guide    ch 9 notes     ch 10 notes
Jan. 25 Midyear Science Test (review of all Science Units covered this year) - work on the Badgequest activity in Google Classroom to help review these concepts
       Human Body/Living Organisms Study Guide
       Matter and Changes Study Guide
       Heat Transfer Study Guide
       Ecosystems Study Guide
Jan. 26 & 27 - No School - Teacher Workdays
Jan. 31 & Feb. 1 - Reading iReady midyear diagnostic
Feb. 2 & 3 - Math iReady midyear diagnostic
Feb. 6 - Report Cards go home