Friday, April 7, 2017

April 17 - 21

*Remember to sign your child's agenda.  Behavior stickers were placed in there this morning.
Monday (April 17) - Report Cards go home
Tuesday (April 18) - Reading Logs
Wednesday (April 19) - Reading iReady Spring Diagnostic Test; SS ch 18 Test (study guide & notes)
Thursday (April 20) - Math iReady Spring Diagnostic Test
Friday (April 21) - Buzzwords Verb #2 Quiz

**Please make sure that pictures and/or picture money is turned in as soon as possible.  The packet of pictures sent home is NOT free.  If you are not purchasing them, you do need to return them to the school.

**Square1Art orders are due Monday April 24.

**Make sure you've marked you calendars to come out and enjoy the Powhatan Palooza on Friday April 28.

If you are able to send in some glue sticks, the students would greatly appreciate it.  They're having to do a lot of sharing with the last few glue sticks in our bucket.

I hope everyone has a restful and relaxing Spring Break.  Enjoy time with your family.  Please make sure your children come back to school focused and ready to finish their elementary school career strong!

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