Friday, April 21, 2017

April 24-28

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Logs; Buzzwords Quiz - Verbs #2 (carried over from last week)
Wednesday - Antonyms & Synonyms Choiceboard due
Thursday - Spelling Sort and Definition Quiz; Precept Paragraph
Friday - Buzzwords Quiz - ALL Verbs

*Students should have read chapters 1-3 in Mr. Lincoln's Drummer this past week and be reading chapters 4-9 this week.  (I only have one class set but they can listen to the chapters in Google Classroom if they fall behind or have been absent and need to catch up.) They must write a journal entry (from the main character's point of view) for each chapter as they read it.  There are other task they need to work on but most of these can't be done until we finish the book.  They will have time in class to work on the assignments but may choose to do some work outside of class.  A due date is not set yet, since I need to see how long it will actually take us to read the book.

**We are still in need of glue sticks for the classroom.  We also could use some bags of Skittles for EOG review games that I have planned.

Monday May 1-Friday May 5 - Teacher Appreciation Week
Thursday - May 5 - Science Vocabulary Quiz
Wednesday - May 10 - SS ch 20 & 21 Civil War Test
Friday - May 12 (target date) - Force and Motion Unit Test

Other Dates to make note of:
Friday - April 28 - Walk2School Day
Friday - April 28 - 4:30-7:30 pm Powhatan Palooza! (Book Fair will be open)
        Use this LINK to sign up to help at the Palooza!
Monday May 1 - Friday May 5 - Book Fair is open 
Thursday May 4 - Powhatan PTA mtg and Strings Concert (Book Fair is open 4-6 pm)
Friday May 5 - Field Day (K-2 is 9-11:30 and 3-5 is 12:30-3:00)
Tuesday May 9 - Progress Reports go home (not many grades after this!)

Thursday May 25 - Reading EOG
Friday May 26 - Math EOG
Monday May 29 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
Thursday June 1 - Science EOG

?? Monday June 5 - Free Enterprise @ 2:30 pm (watch for more information about this)
?? Tuesday June 6 - Auction 10-12:00 (we need parents to donate items if possible)
Wednesday June 7 - 5th grade Awards 1:00 (please do not check out elementary school age siblings to bring to the ceremony - space is limited and this is a special time for your 5th grader!)
Thursday June 8 - Last Day of School - early dismissal and report cards go home (report cards can not be given out to students until after 12:00 noon - if you check your child out early, you will need to stop by the school over the summer to pick up the report card in the office)

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