Tuesday - Reading Log, Science Weather Instruments Quiz (Mrs. Askew's HR)
Wednesday - Science Weather Instruments Quiz (Mrs. Ellison's HR)
Thursday - Spelling Definition Quiz, Early Release at 1:30 pm
Friday - Precept Paragraph, Adjective Quiz, Woods Runner ch 7-12 due, Math Test
I'm attaching the Woods Runner questions for ch. 7-9 and ch 9-12 in case your child is absent. If they do not have a copy of the book, they can listen to me reading the chapters in their Google Classroom accounts. Students seem to really be enjoying this book and making lots of connections to what we are learning about in Social Studies.
We have had LOTS of students out sick this week. As much as we want your child here at school, if they are not feeling well and/or running a fever then please keep them home. Hopefully we will all be feeling better and be back to school next week!
![Image result for sick child images](https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/094/827/original/sick-child-vectors.jpg)
I'm linking the SS ch 13 - American Revolution study guide. I will be providing all of my students with a copy of this on Monday so that they have the battles and dates that they need to know. We will be going through the TCI ch 13 (notes) and then doing a fun simulation activity where they "become" participants in the American Revolution. Once we complete both of these activities, we will have a test (sometime around March 8). Additional Study/Resource Materials
We have started the Weather Unit in Science. This is a long unit so I have broken it into smaller sections to be quizzed on before the Unit Test at the end. There are usually quite a few questions on the Science EOG about this unit so it is important that students really understand these concepts. I'm linking the Weather Study Guide here but have also provided my homeroom with copies of this already. The Study Guide is not complete yet (I'm still working on the last part of the unit) but the first 4 pages are done. This part does include ALL of the vocabulary and big ideas & essential questions for the whole unit but not the little concepts I like to add to it.
Notes and How to Study - One of the things I've started doing with my students to help them focus on specific concepts (essential questions) is to fold a page in their journal (not quite in half). On the small section showing they write their essential question. Then they need to answer the question inside the folded area as we learn the material. When they study, they should fold the page, ask themselves the question and try to answer it, and then open it up to check the answer to see if they are right or not.
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