Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Report Cards & Tuesday Folders

Report Cards are coming home today in your child's Tuesday folder.  You may keep all of the papers in the Report Card envelope (the actual report card, iReady reports, and any certificates).  Please sign and return the envelope as soon as possible.  Your child will get 100 bonus coupons if the envelope is signed and returned by Thursday of this week.  PLEASE make sure that ALL of the student work papers in the Tuesday Folder are reviewed and RETURNED.

If you haven't already done so, please make sure you are signing your child's agenda over the weekend.  I pay them coupons on Tuesdays but only if it has been signed.  I will back pay up to 3 weeks for late signatures but after than the coupons are forfeited.  It is ultimately your child's responsibility to bring the agenda to you to be signed, not your job to go searching for it.  I also check Reading Logs on Tuesdays (the calendar at the front of the agenda - I'm looking for 80 mins read, title of the book, and parent signature.  One night of reading can be traded out with time on iReady reading.).

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