Monday, November 28, 2016

Nov. 28 - Dec. 2

Monday -
Tuesday - Hat Day for Mrs. Ellison's HR
Wednesday - Mix-Match Day for Mrs. Ellison's HR
Thursday - PJ Day for Mrs. Ellison's HR, SS ch 6 Test (study guide & notes), Spelling Definition Quiz
Friday -

*Make sure your child has printed the Ecosystem study guide and added it to their Science Journal.

*For the next few weeks, students in my Reading blocks will be reading a Fact book on a specific topic.  We'll read a Fiction book on the same topic in January as part of a Fact vs Fiction unit.  These books are to remain at school since we have limited copies and some students are already partnering up to read.  If your child is absent, I will do my best to make sure they have access to the text they missed but this may require them coming in before school to catch up.

*For Writing, we will be working on a Biography Research Paper.  Students will have a lot of time in class to work on this but may want to do some editing at home once they get the main information collected.  These books also need to remain at school since I am having to share the copies with both of my blocks of students.

*Mark your calendars for Thursday Dec. 15.  Fifth grade will be having our Auction from 9-11 am.  I am looking for a parent who would like to be our auctioneer for this event as well as a couple of parents to help count and cash out coupons once students won an item.  We will follow this event up with a Winter Celebration from 11-12.  Be on the look out for more information and ways to help with this event.  Parents are welcome to come and help but know that we will not be performing anything.

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