Monday, November 28, 2016

Nov. 28 - Dec. 2

Monday -
Tuesday - Hat Day for Mrs. Ellison's HR
Wednesday - Mix-Match Day for Mrs. Ellison's HR
Thursday - PJ Day for Mrs. Ellison's HR, SS ch 6 Test (study guide & notes), Spelling Definition Quiz
Friday -

*Make sure your child has printed the Ecosystem study guide and added it to their Science Journal.

*For the next few weeks, students in my Reading blocks will be reading a Fact book on a specific topic.  We'll read a Fiction book on the same topic in January as part of a Fact vs Fiction unit.  These books are to remain at school since we have limited copies and some students are already partnering up to read.  If your child is absent, I will do my best to make sure they have access to the text they missed but this may require them coming in before school to catch up.

*For Writing, we will be working on a Biography Research Paper.  Students will have a lot of time in class to work on this but may want to do some editing at home once they get the main information collected.  These books also need to remain at school since I am having to share the copies with both of my blocks of students.

*Mark your calendars for Thursday Dec. 15.  Fifth grade will be having our Auction from 9-11 am.  I am looking for a parent who would like to be our auctioneer for this event as well as a couple of parents to help count and cash out coupons once students won an item.  We will follow this event up with a Winter Celebration from 11-12.  Be on the look out for more information and ways to help with this event.  Parents are welcome to come and help but know that we will not be performing anything.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nov. 21-22

Monday - Thanksgiving Breakfast from 8:45-9:30 am
Tuesday - Fun Run 1:15 -2:15 pm
Wednesday - Sunday - Thanksgiving Break - Enjoy time with your family!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Nov. 14 - 18

This week is our Spirit Week in honor of Red Ribbon Week! Say NO to Drugs!  We are also kicking off our Boosterthon Fundraiser this week.  LOTS of EXCITING things going on at Powhatan!

Monday - iReady Math log being checked, Crazy Sock Day, be sure to check with your child for their Boosterthon login information that they got at the Pep Rally today - login and start getting your pledges - even if you aren't able to collect any pledges, please login to be a class participant, Fall picture retakes
Tuesday - Reading Log, Team Jersey Day
Wednesday - Verb Test, Mrs. Ellison's HR Science Heat Energy Test, Inside Out Day (I won't wear my clothes inside out but I may dress up as a character from the movie Inside Out and be all in one color), Sak's Spirit Night
Thursday - Math Volume Test, Wear RED
Friday - Field Trip to Old Salem (be at the cafeteria around 6:00 am - bus will pull out at 6:30 am).  Parents who are chaperoning, I will be sending out information to you early in the week but will also have papers for you that morning.  Please check in with me when you arrive.  We will be returning to school around 5:30 pm.  Please meet us in the back parking lot.  I will be going over specifics with students on Monday or Tuesday and will be sending an email to all parents with field trip specifics then too.

You may want to go ahead and print off the SS ch 6 study guide.  We will be starting this on Monday.  I will provide copies on Monday to those who have notified me that they are unable to print.  The Notes answer key will be in their Google Classroom account on Monday.

Our Thanksgiving Breakfast will be on Monday Nov. 21 from 8:45-9:30.
Our Fun Run will be on Tuesday Nov. 22 from 1:15-2:15.
Thanksgiving Break is from Wednesday Nov. 23 - Sunday Nov. 27.

We will be having an Auction in December.  This is a time for the students to "spend" or "bid on items" with the coupons they have earned so far this year.  We will be sending home more information about this early in December but we do need parent support to have items for the kids to bid on.  If you are able to pick up some items (small, medium, or big) over the Thanksgiving Break it would be greatly appreciated.  Items can range from puzzle books, to chips and soda, to movie passes.  Think about what your child would want to bid on!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Report Cards & Tuesday Folders

Report Cards are coming home today in your child's Tuesday folder.  You may keep all of the papers in the Report Card envelope (the actual report card, iReady reports, and any certificates).  Please sign and return the envelope as soon as possible.  Your child will get 100 bonus coupons if the envelope is signed and returned by Thursday of this week.  PLEASE make sure that ALL of the student work papers in the Tuesday Folder are reviewed and RETURNED.

If you haven't already done so, please make sure you are signing your child's agenda over the weekend.  I pay them coupons on Tuesdays but only if it has been signed.  I will back pay up to 3 weeks for late signatures but after than the coupons are forfeited.  It is ultimately your child's responsibility to bring the agenda to you to be signed, not your job to go searching for it.  I also check Reading Logs on Tuesdays (the calendar at the front of the agenda - I'm looking for 80 mins read, title of the book, and parent signature.  One night of reading can be traded out with time on iReady reading.).

Friday, November 4, 2016

Nov. 7-11

Remember to set your clocks back 1 hour on Sunday.  Yeah! An extra hour to get things done (or catch up on sleep).

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Logs, Report Cards go home, Early Dismissal, Don't forget to VOTE!
Wednesday - Math Volume test
Thursday - Spelling sort and definition quiz, SS ch 5 test (students will be allowed to use their notes but this is only helpful if their notes are complete, accurate, and they know where to find the information) study guide  & notes answer key
Friday - No School - Veteran's Day

Looking Ahead:
*The Boosterthon Fun Run was rescheduled due to Hurricane Matthew.
*Red Ribbon Week (Say NO to drugs) was rescheduled since we needed a "normal week" after Hurricane Matthew.
*Remember that our field trip to Old Salem is Friday Nov. 18.  Students need to be at school around 5:45 am.  We plan to leave school around 6 am and return around 6 pm.  More information will be sent home soon!

Monday Nov. 14 - Boosterthon starts, Fall picture retakes, Wear CRAZY SOCKS to "Sock it to Drugs!"
Tuesday Nov. 15 - Wear your favorite Team Jersey for "Be a TEAM PLAYER"
Wednesday Nov. 16 - Wear your clothes Inside Out  for "Drugs Turn You INSIDE OUT", Sak's Spirit Night
Thursday Nov. 17 - Wear RED for RED RIBBON WEEK (I always sound like Bugs Bunny when I say this)
Friday Nov. 18 - 5th grade FIELD TRIP

Monday Nov. 21 - 5th grade Thanksgiving Breakfast (8;45-9:30 am)
Tuesday Nov. 22 - Boosterthon FUN RUN!
Nov. 23 - Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Break