Friday, September 2, 2016

Sept. 5-9

Items to make note of for next week (Sept. 5-9):
Monday: No School (Labor Day holiday)
Tuesday: Reading Logs and agendas need to be signed
Wednesday: 5th grade will be taking the Reading iReady diagnostic test
Thursday: 5th grade will be taking the Math iReady diagnostic test
Friday: PRIDE Friday (wear school colors or spirit wear to show your school pride)

I have sent out and posted the September flag patrol schedule.  Students only need to sign up once for the year.  If students would still like to sign up they may continue to do so.  I will check the sign up list before making the October schedule.  If you signed your child up, thank you for allowing your child to participate in this patriotic activity.

Reading Log expectations: Students should be reading at home for at least 80 minutes each week.  I have shown them where I want this recorded in their agendas (the monthly calendar section at the front).  They should be writing down the title of what they are reading and how long they read.  A parent/guardian needs to sign it once for the week (you may sign it nightly if you want).  Students will get a ticket for recording their 80 minutes by the time I check it on Tuesday and a bonus ticket if it is signed by a parent/guardian.

Please make sure your child is bringing a book to school each day (preferably a novel that they are working on reading both at home and at school).  We are working on improving our reading stamina and will spend some class time each week with just quiet focused reading.  For this reason, it is important that they already have a book they are interested in so they are not wasting time searching the book shelves for one to read.

We have had a GREAT first week of school.  I'll be posting some pictures of my homeroom's Aquarium Projects soon.  Students seem to have settled in well.  Next week, I will be a little stricter with taking coupons when students are talking in line or being disruptive in class. I will always give a verbal/visual warning but after that coupons will be taken for repeated infractions.  It hasn't been too much of a problem this week but I can tell that some students are "very comfortable" with their classmates and tend to be a little too social in class.

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