Friday, September 9, 2016

A few more items

Spelling - I have posted a sample spelling sort and quiz in Google Classroom.  Students may access this at home to practice with this format to see what the sort process and quiz format is like.  I encourage parents to have their child show you this at home.  I will generally post the sort on Mondays and have it due on Wednesdays.  Students may work on this in class and at home.  The quiz will generally be posted on Thursdays and needs to be completed IN CLASS.  Since we do not have a chromebook cart to stay in our classroom yet (some other grades are still using the carts to complete iReady testing) I will postpone starting Spelling one more week.  Please have your child use this week to explore the Sample Sort! The sorts will count for 20 points and the definition quiz will be 10 points for a total of 30 possible points to go in the grade book.

Google Classroom - I have set up my classrooms in Google Classroom and am helping Mrs. Askew set her's up.  I have invited parents to use the Guardian Feature which is new to Google Classroom this year.  This should allow you to see daily or weekly reports about what has been posted in your child's "classroom" accounts.  I don't think you can actually access the assignment but you will know what's there and if it's late or not.  I showed my homeroom students where I've put resources and lessons for them to access for SS and Science in case they are absent or need to review any materials.  Mrs. Askew will be adding this soon too for her homeroom!  This way your child isn't falling behind (too much) if they are home sick for a day or two.

PTA - If you haven't joined the PTA yet, please do so.  You can find a membership form in the Back To School Items tab on my website or on the PTA Membership page.  Classes with at least 90% of our parents to join the PTA will receive a $50 gift card for classroom supplies.  That's $50 we won't have to ask for you to send in supplies for!  Your $6 can really help us out.  Thanks for your support.

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