Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 22-26

Field Day Fun

Mon -
Tues -
Wed - EOG dance during Enhancements; Be sure your child gets a good night's rest and eats breakfast in the morning.
Thurs - Reading EOG
Fri - Math EOG

With the EOGs on Thursday and Friday this week and Thursday of next week, I have a few simple requests.

  • Please, if at all possible, do not send your child with their cell phone or any electronic device (no fitbits that might buzz, watches that beep, or cell phones that buzz or ring). If they do bring something, I will ask them to show me that it is off and have them leave it in their cubby, but I would much prefer for it to NOT be in the classroom at all.
  • PLEASE keep all of the fidgit spinners at home on these days!  The students have not figured out how to use them appropriately yet and they are more of a hinderance to them staying focused than a help.  For most students, they are simply a cool toy and the kids will even admit to that.
  • Getting a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast in the morning is important.  That doesn't mean send them to bed at 5:00 but making sure they get a solid night's sleep would be helpful to them being able to focus for long periods of time.
  • Avoiding sunburns and poison ivy (and other allergy issues) is helpful too.  No one likes to sit for 3 hours with a constant need to scratch an itch.
  • Give your child a big hug and tell them how much you love them and that you're proud of them each morning before the test.  This is great to do EVERY morning but hearing these words on a stressful day can really make a difference in how they head into the test.

End of year Treats Sign Up:
If you haven't already, please check out the Sign Up Genius link to get supplies to provide treats to our students after they complete their EOGs.  These are stressful times and they deserve a small treat after testing all morning.  Thanks for your support with getting these supplies.  Let me know if you need to send in items ahead of time.  We can store items in the cafeteria's freezer but I need to know what's there for my class and it needs to be clearly labeled.

Notes to my students:
I've told my students this in various ways but this letter (below) says how I feel about the EOGs and my students.  It is just one piece to the puzzle of who they are and doesn't define who they are as an individual or as a student.  Each of my students will also be getting a personalized note from me the morning of the Reading EOG telling them how special they are and to just do their best.

Dearest Students,

Next week you will take your EOG test for math and reading. I know how hard you have
worked, but there is something very important you must know.

The EOG tests do not assess all of what makes you special and unique. The people
who create these tests and score them do not know each of you like I do, and certainly
not the way your families do.

They do not know that some of you speak two languages, or that you love to sing or
draw. They have not seen your natural talent for dancing. They do not know that your
friends count on you to be there for them, that you laughter can brighten the darkest
day, or that your face turns red when you feel shy. They do not know that you
participate in sports, wonder about the future, or sometimes you help with your little
brother or little sister after school. They do not know that you are kind, trustworthy, and
thoughtful… and every day you try your very best.

The scores you will get from these tests will tell you something, but they will not tell you
everything. These tests do not define you. There are many ways of being smart. YOU
are smart! You are enough! You are the light that brightens my day and the reason I am
happy to come to work each day. So, in the midst of all of these tests, remember that
there is no way to “test” all of the amazing and awesome things that make you, YOU.
All I ask is that you do your personal best and do not give up. You have been working

for this since Kindergarten and are ready! I believe in you!

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 15-19

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Logs; Mr. Lincoln's Drummer project due!; Mr. Lincoln's Drummer test (study guide)
Wednesday -
Thursday - Spelling Sort Quiz
Friday - Field Day; all students' library books must be returned by today

We have been having some issues with a lack of respect towards staff and fellow students again.  This has been addressed with students but your support at home is always appreciated.  It ranges from silly play in the bathroom, to talking in the halls, to blurting out answers over other students and the teacher, to mocking students and teachers, to blatantly ingnoring what they are asked/told to do.  We realize they are ready for Middle School but we still need them focused and respectful as we finish Elementary School.

We will be doing EOG review/practice in all classes.  We will be making it as fun as possible but it is still important that students take their time and really think through these problems.  Now is their chance to get any concepts or skills clarified or retaught.  Please continue to reinforce these skills at home.

In Mrs Ellison's Reading class, we will be reading a fun, short book about Economics called Lawn Boy.  They will have some tasks to complete about the book as we work through it.  This will be one of their last Reading assignment grades.

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 8-12

Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts you sent in for Teacher Appreciation Week.  It really made me feel SPEACIAL and APPRECIATED!

Monday -
Tuesday - Reading Log, Progress Reports
Wednesday - SS Civil War test (open notes so be sure the journal is up to date - study guide, ch 20 notes, ch 21 notes)
Thursday - Spelling: Geek and Latin Sort #2 def Quiz
Friday - Mr. Lincoln's Drummer project due (if they are not ready to turn it in on Friday, they may have until Tuesday but there is be no more classtime to work on it); Latin Word Parts choicboard due (given out on Friday but will have time in class all week to work on it - several students asked to have it ahead of time over the weekend); Force and Motion Unit Test (study guide , vocabulary cards , and graphing data explainations and practice)

*Free Enterprise - Students are working in homeroom small groups to come up with a product to make that they can sell to classmates and other fifth graders for coupons.  They should be discussing their ideas with their parents.  The group ideas should be decided and signed off by all group members' parents by MAY 12.  They may NOT begin production of the products until all parents have signed off AND I have signed off on it.

Dates to Remember to Mark on your Caledars:
May 19 - Field Day (new date)
May 25 - Reading EOG
May 26 - Math EOG
May 29 - No School - Memorial Day
June 1 - Science EOG
June 5 - Free Enterprise at 2:30 - parents may come shop too (we'll provide you with coupons)
June 6 - Auction 10-12 noon
June 7 - 5th Grade Awards/Promotion Ceremony 1:00 pm
June 8 - Last Day of School - Early Dismissal at 1:30 pm (report cards can be picked up at 12 noon)